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The most common birthday month? September!

Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a colleague, you’ll likely celebrate at least one birthday every month of the year. But, for some reason, some months seem a little busier than others. We at WoodWatch also see a trend when it comes to the number of birthday gift requests, and decided to do some birthday research of our own. According to TIME Magazine, September is the month when a majority of our world’s population is born, specifically September 9th!

So, why do so many people celebrate their birthdays at this time of year? The reasons aren’t very clear, but the calendar provides some pretty interesting clues. Let’s explore.

1. Time to relax

Turn back nine months from September, and you’ll find yourself in the December holiday season. Many people take time off around Christmas, meaning couples have more time for holidays, relaxation, and spending time together. And as it happens, Christmas and New Year's are the least popular birthdays because parents-to-be know that many doctors try to take holidays of their own. More parents seem to want to have a baby just before or after the winter holidays, not during.

2. Winter is for snuggles

Beyond simply having more time to chill, the chilly month of December is also the perfect month for Christmas party canoodling and fireside cuddles. It is COLD, people! Curling up at a cosy fireplace together with a cup of glühwein makes up for that single-digit temperature and a great time to make happy memories.

3. Every day is a popular birthday

While there is a peak in September, the actual differences in the number of birthdays between popular days are often not that high. For example, the most popular birthday in September and November 24th, which is the 356th most common birthday, only differ a couple of thousands. Save for the holiday celebrations such as Christmas, this means that almost every day is a relatively common birthday. Or should we say every birthday is special?

The most common birthday month also differs per country. According to this interactive map, it seems that areas in the Southern Hemisphere register the highest average number of birthdays between March and May (the beginning of winter in those regions). Possible scientific explanations might be a little harder to pinpoint, according to scientists. In the meantime, we’ll just assume that colder temperatures in fall and winter lead us to find extra warmth with each other. 

So, if you feel like you’re running out of clever ways to say “happy birthday” to your Facebook friends this month, it’s not you. However, it is a time to make your closest September birthday friends and family members feel just a tad more special.

How about giving something unique and personalized? A WoodWatch or accessory with an engraving makes a great gift to make anyone feel like they are one-of-a-kind.


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